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Vol. 9 (2022): Revista de Estudos Empíricos em Direito


October 16, 2021


The concept of human rights is not consensual, yet it persists in the moral, political, and legal culture of the modern world. The State has always occupied an ambiguous and dialectical place, being at times directly or indirectly responsible for the offense, at times responsible for protecting rights. In addition to the legitimacy aspect, the Covid-19 pandemic referred to a much blunter problem related to the policy adopted by the Brazilian government and its effects. To know the perception of residents of the city of Rio de Janeiro on different aspects related to the impacts of Covid-19 on 5 basic rights: health, education, freedom to come and go, work and income, and voting, a web survey was carried out. To reach the respondents, the snowball method, answer and forward the questionnaire, was used, having as a starting point the personal contacts of the authors, professors and students of ENCE, students of the UERJ Law School and IBGE staff. As a result, the vast majority of respondents identified the five rights mentioned as Human Rights and revealed that they believe that: 1) there is responsibility of the public authorities, whether by action or omission, in the limitations of rights; 2) the restriction of any of the mentioned rights is justifiable during the pandemic; 3) the impact of rights limitations on lower socioeconomic classes was greater; 4) are dissatisfied with the actions of the Federal Government regarding the measures to mitigate the impacts of the Covid-9 pandemic and with the level of speed, effectiveness and rigidity of the measures adopted; and, finally, 5) that they are complying with the rules of social isolation at the same time that other residents of the city of Rio de Janeiro are not.


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