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Suplemento Especial: V Encontro Nacional de Antropologia do Direito

Vol. 5 No. 3 (2018): Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

To look, to listen and to write during militar policemen's court trials in São Paulo

January 18, 2019


This paper presents some partial findings of an ongoing research about the criminal justice treatment of
deaths resulted by police approaches in the state of São Paulo. The research wants to comprehend the
outcomes of those cases in different areas of the legal system, criminal, administrative and civil. Methodologically it will use multiple case studies. In the legal field, case studies “invite the legal researcher
to observe the legal system without the barriers imposed by other legal areas, to pay attention to the process interactions and its implications in the case outcomes” (Machado, 2014, p. 14). In addition, participant observations of juries as well as semi-guided interviews with law professionals and analysis of the legal processes will be conducted. The ethnography “look” at the legal and judicial treatment of lethal military police approaches involves attentive observation of rituals, performances and strategies of actors or players in the game that is the jury courtroom. The ethnography “listening” indicates the need to “create semantic spaces shared by both interlocutors”, which means listening to how the actors that operate in those cases reconstruct the grave problem of police lethality. At last, the “writing” directs us to the reconstruction of narratives that will integrate the mosaic designed by the researcher. This step takes into account the research hypothesis that the State dealing of those cases varies radically in accordance with social and ethnic racial characteristics of the victims in all three legal areas of this study.


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