The search by judicial institutions to obtain access to health technologies such as medicines, procedures, products such as prosthetics, processed food, hospital beds that are unavailable to the user, involves costs for the SUS and brings consequences to the previously planned financial budget. Study with the objective of analyzing the judicialization of public health and the financial impact in the municipality of Foz do Iguaçu and the municipalities that are part of the 9th Health Region (RS), it was developed based on secondary data obtained from the website of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) from the sample of 295 Technical Notes (NT), in the period from 2020 to 2022. Results show that more than 60% of the legal actions were in favor of the authors, the majority were filed to access goods and services already incorporated into the SUS, medicine It was the health technology most sought after through the courts, prices ranged from R$21.78 to R$474,676.24. Ophthalmology and oncology were the most judicialized medical specialties. It is concluded that the judiciary, when seeking to guarantee the right to access to goods and services already promised and incorporated into the SUS, can interfere in the planning of health actions aimed at the collective, even ensuring the individual right asserted by the Federal Constitution. It suggests the possibility of countering judicialization with SUS management actions with health promotion and illness prevention policies from the first level of health care and through the implementation of broader and more universal social policies.