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Vol. 10 (2023): Revista de Estudos Empíricos em Direito

Exploratory analysis of the enforcement actions of the foreign corrupt practices act of the United States: the motivations behind bribery and its usefulness to enhance its prevention in business

December 12, 2022


The purpose of this research is to analyze corporate bribery in international business through a case study, in particular, a series of enforcement actions carried out in compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of the United States between 2011 and 2022. For this purpose, an exploratory research approach was followed, focused on answering the following questions: What motivates the offering of bribes around obtaining and maintaining business in international business? What relevant distinctions can be made to better understand this phenomenon? Based on the results of the case studies, a series of categories are proposed, the analysis of which may help to promote the private sector's capacity to prevent this illicit activity by facilitating the identification of risky activities or processes and possible mechanisms for their control.


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