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Institutional Administration of Crimes in the Field of Public Security and Crimi

Vol. 10 (2023): Dossiê Administração Institucional de Crimes no Âmbito da Segurança Pública e da Justiça Criminal em Perspectiva Empírica


August 27, 2022


The article focuses only on the theoretical part of one more considerable research that gathers and interprets primary material about data protection and privacy culture from nine countries in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Uruguay). The data comes from the local statutory law, legal and technical literature, and fieldwork interviews). The countries were selected when having both local statutory acts and administrative authorities. The article’s objective is to formulate the theoretical criteria to interpret the raw material. It fulfills this objective after producing a multidisciplinary literature review of the social sciences, law, and technical fields (information systems and public policies), using small data from interviews and documents. The main result of the article is a theoretical framework to classify the qualitative data to fill a gap in the literature about privacy and behavior. This framework will enable the cultural construction of the data and privacy protection concept in Latin America, describing all countries in detail. The countries’ description must encompass the classification of events and things as tools for apprehending social artifacts and behaviors that the researchers observe, listen to, or read in documents. The article concludes that we can only understand the data and privacy protection cultural concept by analyzing it locally, with acute attention to the context, even when this subject is global.


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