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Suplemento Especial: V Encontro Nacional de Antropologia do Direito

Vol. 5 No. 3 (2018): Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

Disjunction on the placement protective measure's for offender teenagers: multidisciplinary dialogues

January 18, 2019


The Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente [Child and Teenager’s Statute] establishes what are the applicable protective measures in situations of children and teenagers’ rights violation; as well teenagers’ juvenile delinquency programs in conflict with the law, reporting between them, the institutional refuge, in the first case, and the committal, in the second one. The bibliography about children and teenagers’ institutionalization in Brazil aims an oscillation between “forlorn infant” and the “juvenile offender”, that materializes, now a days, in cases that committal egression by infractional act needs the protection measure of institutional refuge and are undergone an “wandering”, undergoing successive host institution transfers under many justifications. This reflection shows us how, instead of important legal changes in children and teenagers rights, the delinquency is, for plenty teenagers, an exclusion element of protection measures, an
anachronistic situation treating of rights, doing ECA as an extension of criminal code. In this sphere, this
project aims to discuss the political conditions these youngers are going straight, when the wandering by many refuges institutes eventually excludes them to the Rights Assurance System, becoming next to homo
sacer by Giorgio Agamben, suspending the legal order, in this kind of case, to make work a system that
seems to allow to teenagers treated as delinquents, life’s defenselessness. For that, we are going to present ethnographic data, provided by observation during teenagers’ transference cases in institutional refuges discusses – that were previously checked by socio-educative measure. The notes presented here are multidimensional, a work realized in loco, considering specially, theorical and methodologic dialogues between psychoanalysis, laws anthropology and punishment sociology.


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